
Movie Club

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01 Intro

For a lighthearted New Year's Resolution, I along with some of my friends decided to do a monthly movie club. From rotating between who picks what movie to watch, we would view it individually on our own time and then discuss our thoughts on the movie at the end of the month.


02 Process

With the website being a simple static page solely for displaying the movie information and our thoughts, I decided to use a standard Vercel-based stack. Built and deployed on Vercel, coded with NextJS, Tailwind, and utilized shadcn components.

03 Final Outcome

The website can be viewed here. Movies will (hopefully) be added monthly, not just from the movie club but hopefully extended towards actual group viewings whether it be at get togethers or in the theater.

Currently all movie info and individual comments are added manually. In the future I plan on implementing automatic movie info addition from an external API, along with the ability for individual users to post their own comments.